Blevit Special cereals

Comfort and Balance: Two Nutritional Solutions for Every Need

Blevit Special cereals Blevit Special cereals

Blevit Special cereals are indicated for feeding babies with an altered intestinal transit:

  • Blevit Multigrain and fiber: helps to increase fiber intake in the baby. The nutrition for infants with a tendency to constipation
    • 0% ADDED SUGAR
  • Blevit AD Carrots & Rice: the combination of the astringent properties of rice and carrots, and the intestinal microbiota repopulation ability of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, can helps when the baby follows a special astringent diet. High tolerance and digestibility.
    • 0% ADDED SUGAR

Blevit Special cereals

Product Blevit AD Carrots & Rice
Blevit AD Carrots & Rice
Saudi Arabia

When the baby follows a special astringent diet

6 - 9 months 9 - 12 months More than 1 year
Product Blevit Multigrain and fiber
Blevit Multigrain and fiber
Saudi Arabia

Plenty of cereals stimulating intestinal microflora

6 - 9 months 9 - 12 months More than 1 year
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