Blevit Rice Blevit Rice

Blevit Rice

Saudi Arabia
My first cereal
Average Analysis


Blevit Rice is made with only one cereal, containing 100% rice, a highly digestible cereal, ideal for introducing the first cereal without gluten into the baby's diet. Moreover, provide a pleasant aroma and flavour and make it an ideal option on the start of the complementary feeding period.

Optimal nutrition: with an exclusive manufacturing process that helps to easier digestions, a pleasant flavour and nutritional benefit thanks to the combination of cereals and a vitamin-mineral complex.

Supports the immune System: high content of iron and zinc, that contribute to the normal function of the immune system. Additionally, iron contributes to normal cognitive function

Growth and development: high content of calcium, vitamin C and vitamin D. Vitamin C increase iron absorption. Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth. Calcium and vitamin D are needed for normal growth and development of bone in children.

Enriched with cow's milk, a source of calcium and high-quality proteins for the baby's growth.

Intestinal protection: with Prebiotics FOS. They provide intestinal protection by promoting the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the digestive tract, contributing to the balance of the intestinal microbiota. 

Nutritional well-being: No palm oil, gluten-free.

Committed to the Health of the Youngest Ones: No preservatives. No added salts. Free from GMOs


Complementary food dry cereals for babies from 6 months of age.
To start the complementary feeding period and in those cases in which a gluten free diet is required.


Cereal flours 51% (rice and hydrolised rice), skimmed milk powder (from cow) 31%, saccharose, vegetable oil (rapeseed oil), inulin, fructooligosaccharides, maltodextrin, mineral salts (calcium carbonate, zinc sulphate, ferric pyrophosphate), vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin), artificial flavouring (vanillin).

Allergy information: Contains milk.


Reconstitute cereal by mixing Blevit Rice in warm water and stir carefully into a smooth mixture. Cooking is not needed. The product presents a natural and pleasant sweet flavour; thus, it is not necessary adding sugar.

Dosage: Unless other prescription, it is recommended to add 8 tablespoons (50 g. approx.) per 150ml of preboiled tempered water or mineral water. Stir until the desired consistency is reached.

Warning: Control the temperature before feeding your baby with a clean spoon. Feed straight after preparation. Throw away any leftovers.



Product available in Saudi Arabia
Pack 350g
EAN 8426594253011

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